
Cyberspace Operations

A Space in Cyberspace about Cyberspace Operations and Related Topics


Utredningen återfinns på Regeringskansliets hemsida. Uppdraget är slutfört. Utredaren har överlämnat delbetänkandet “Ett nytt Nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter – Ändamålsenliga och effektiva former för ledning, organisering och styrning”. Vad betyder detta för NCSC, näringslivet, samhället i stort och Sverige? Nedan ger jag mina tankar som baseras på utredningens innehåll. Först beskriver jag de utmaningar som NCSC stod inför. I nästa steg presenterar jag de lösningar som rapporten rekommenderar. Därefter utforskar jag vad dessa förändringar kan innebära för näringslivet, samhället i stort, och Sverige.

There is no clear cybersecurity policy

This is a translated English version of the original, which is in Swedish at DI Debatt. Sweden needs a cyber deterrence strategy and, together with national and international partners, conduct offensive cyber operations against threat actors A clear Swedish cybersecurity policy is important for deterring cyber threats and showing that attacks have consequences. Examples of a well-designed deterrence strategy can be found in the US, the EU and Australia. In light of the recent ransomware attack that affected more than 120 authorities and businesses, this should also be considered for Sweden.

Digital Geopolitics and the Imperative of Cyber Diplomacy: Shaping a Unified and Secure Cyberspace

Note to readers: I was scheduled to participate in the panel discussion at the CyberPeace Summit 2023. However, due to unforeseen timing constraints and prior obligations that I could not reschedule, I was regrettably unable to present my intervention. As I believe the contents of this speech are critical and worth sharing, I have decided to publish it here for the broader audience. While I wasn’t able to deliver these thoughts virtually, I hope they provide value and insight to those interested in the topic.

Guiding the Future of Cyber Security Policy: The Importance of Supervision

Cyber Security, Definitions and Agencies Cyber Security is a fundamental pillar and of utmost importance to secure our reliance on interconnected information systems in networks of networks facilitated by information and telecommunication technologies. Supervising two extraordinary individuals participating in the Leadership in International Security Course (LISC), a highly competitive eight-month course in international security designed for high-performing professionals seeking to enhance their careers and effectively respond to the world’s most pressing security challenges, has been a transformative journey: a journey where it not only underlines the importance of not only cyber security but also the invaluable role of guidance and supervision in updating and deepening the knowledge of the participants in the cyber security policy field.

Digital Authoritarianism: A Summary

On 24 April 2023, The US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dr. Avril Haines was invited to a public conversation with Carnegie’s Dan Baer on combatting digital authoritarianism. This is a summary of her presentation. The entire presentation including the Q&A session is on Carnegie Endowment’s YouTube-page. Today, democracy is increasingly challenged by autocratic leaders that contest over information, defined as “the increasing use of digital technology to promote authoritarianism.

TikTok banned on Government Electronic Devices

On 16 March 2023, the U.K. Cabinet Office announced that the social media app TikTok is banned on government electronic devices. The reason? A security review ordered by the Cabinet Office Ministers aimed to look “at the potential vulnerability of government data from social media apps on devices and risks around how sensitive information could be accessed and used by some platforms.” Euronews reported on 17 March 2023 that in addition to the U.

The Cyber Threat Landscape and its Implications for Civil Organizations

Today I had the honor of presenting on the cyber threat landscape and its implications for civil organizations. The increased interconnectedness provides many opportunities, but at the same time, threat actors and their behavior can put individuals and organizations at risk. The purpose was to: Minimize risks to staff, assets, and operations. Raise awareness of possible threats and related tactics, techniques, and procedures, and Present some cases to illustrate the impact of successful cyber attacks against companies.

Digital Geopolitics: A Review of the Current State

My latest article at the 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Towson University, raises the question what is the current state of digital geopolitics? There is no technology that has transformed societies in the ways that information- and telecommunications technology (ITC) has. The increased pace of digitalization has opened opportunities to conduct e-commerce, e-governance, streamline processes, but also transformed intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and command and control of joint military operations.

Offensive Cyberspace Operations for Cyber Security

My latest article at the 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Towson University, raises the question of what are offensive cyberspace operations for cyber security, and why now? Offensive cyberspace operations are actions taken by an organized group of people with a defined purpose. The purpose is to take down an adversary’s devices, infrastructure, and tools. By taking the fight to the adversary, it may be possible to make them switch stance: from conducting attacks to defending themselves.